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This section contains bugs related to Skyforge (Skyrim). The Armorer's Challenge ( Smithing skill book) – beside the Skyforge itself, surrounded by various iron weapons and apparel.The Skyforge itself can be used as a regular forge however, the location does not contain a tanning rack, workbench, or a smelter, though all three of these implements can be found elsewhere in Whiterun. Skyforge Steel is available for purchase from Eorlund after completing Proving Honor, but cannot be forged by the player. The options to craft these items will show up in the "Draugr" and "Daedric" subsections, respectively. The Skyforge can be used as a regular forge with the additional option of forging Nord Hero Weapons and Ancient Nord Armor after completing The Companions' questline.

After completing the quest " Glory of the Dead," Nord Hero Weapons and Ancient Nord Armor can be crafted at the Skyforge. Completing the quest " Proving Honor" will allow the Dragonborn to receive a free Skyforged weapon of their choice, handcrafted by Eorlund. The forge is used mainly by Eorlund Gray-Mane to craft armor and weapons for The Companions. The Elder Scrolls Online Review - Familiar World, Strange Territory Review It is here that the Dragonborn is inducted into the Circle by a blood ritual involving Aela the Huntress and Skjor, thus gaining the ability to transform into a werewolf. There is also a passage to the right of the stone bowl that leads to a secret one-way exit out of the city. Under the Skyforge is "The Underforge," where The Circle holds its meetings and worships Hircine.

They scouted the area later named Whiterun Hold and found a mysterious structure that was described as " a monument of a bird whose eyes and beak were opened in flame." It was discovered that the monument was feared by the native Elves and suspecting that it held great power, Jeek and his crew settled and built Jorrvaskr at the foot of the Skyforge, so it would provide their steel. The Skyforge was first discovered by Jeek of the River and his crew who were traveling south from Hsaarik Head to settle. Its discovery led to the building of Jorrvaskr and the Companions as we know them today." ― Loading Screens "Nobody knows who built the Skyforge, where the Companions' weapons are made.